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About Neepa Singh

Neepa Singh is Mrs United Nations WINNER Classic. After winning in Mrs India Earth 2016 she went to represent India in the prestigious Mrs United Nations Pageants which was held in Kingston, Jamaica on 8th July 2017 where she won the coveted crown and title, And became the First Ever Indian Woman to win International Pageant at the age of 46! She is a Vajra World Record Holder, a model, an entrepreneur working for social causes and a motivational speaker and has done ramp walks at many fashion shows as a showstopper!
Her native place is Ladol - Gujarat.
She has closely worked with tribals in Dang, Gujarat! She is taking India’s age old tribal traditional herbal knowledge to world stage and has promoting and raising awareness about our heritage and rich culture in all fields.


Message from Neepa Singh Productions

"Be the change you want to see in the society. When you set your mind to something, you can do anything, at any age, against all odds!"


Our approach is to unite all round creative talents with strengths across five core disciplines: strategy, story experience, audio visual design, technology and social engagement.

Fast Track

Everything we do is oriented towards quick execution. Our social studio model includes ready to-go equipments. And our "everyone's creative" staffing philosophy, commitment to in-house talent, gives us the flexibility to conceive, write and design concepts.

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